First-Line Supervisors of Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators


Salary Median (2020)


Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)

0% (little or no change)


What First-Line Supervisors of Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators Do

Directly supervise and coordinate activities of material-moving machine and vehicle operators and helpers.

Other Job Titles First-Line Supervisors of Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle Operators May Have

Cargo Manager, DC Supervisor (Distribution Center Supervisor), Dock Supervisor, Driver Manager, Fleet Manager, Shipping Manager, Street Supervisor, Trainmaster, Transportation Supervisor, Warehouse Supervisor

Tasks & Responsibilities May Include

  • Enforce safety rules and regulations.
  • Interpret transportation or tariff regulations, shipping orders, safety regulations, or company policies and procedures for workers.
  • Resolve worker problems or collaborate with employees to assist in problem resolution.
  • Confer with customers, supervisors, contractors, or other personnel to exchange information or to resolve problems.
  • Plan work assignments and equipment allocations to meet transportation, operations or production goals.

This page includes information from theO*NET 26.1 Databaseby the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under theCC BY 4.0license. O*NET® is a trademark of USDOL/ETA.