Meredith Wilson
Wilson's Double Diamond Ranch
Alta, WY USA
"Look for the beauty in whatever [you're] doing."
Career Roadmap
Meredith's work combines: Environment & Nature, Science, and Accomplishing Goals
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Here's the path I took:
High School
Bachelor's Degree
Plant Sciences, General
Utah State University
Life & Career Milestones
My path in life has been direct
Went to Utah State for college; studied plant science and biology.
He would always go back home to Wyoming for his summers and work on his family's ranch.
When the time came to choose a job, nothing felt like it was quite the right fit.
At first, he moved back home to the ranch as kind of a placeholder while he figured out what he wanted to do.
Looking back, he thinks he always knew that he was meant to live and work on the ranch, but he just had to try a few other things first.
One of the most important components to his happiness is being outdoors and using his senses, and working on the ranch fulfills that.
Says that in our culture, we get too busy and focus on work and money.
He likes the ranch life because it allows him to slow down, balance his life, and find beauty in his work.